Copenhagen Airport Rescue And Firefighting Academy (CARFA) is a new fire and rescue academy where education is highly prioritized.

It is no exaggeration to say that we feel a great responsibility to share the knowledge we have accumulated at CARFA. Safety cannot be overemphasized when we are dealing with aviation. Small errors can have huge consequences.

That is why it is so very important that aviation firefighters are trained to make the right choices, and that these choices become an instant reflex. In all modesty, we offer world-class courses in this area. Keep these in mind when you make decisions concerning training courses for your firefighting staff.

We base all of our courses on EASA's rules and ICAO's recommendations, and we go even further than that. Through partnerships wo th other academies around the world, we strive to make the best education possible.

All our training objects are as realistic as possible and the "cherry on top" is our Airbus A320 LPG mock-up, which has various engine types and doors. Furthermore, it has a variety of external and internal fires.