Advertising in CPH
CPH offers attractive advertising solutions tailored to communicate to the more than 30 million passengers who travel through the airport each year and primarily consists of target groups with high purchasing power.
With 544 digital screens in 180 locations around the airport, it is possible to target advertising at the exact time when the relevant target group of passengers is walking past a certain area. Each passenger will experience more relevant advertising and less noise on their way through the airport.
The digital screens also give the possibility of advertising with video or changing images several times a minute. Display locations have different formats adapted to the area of the airport, where it is installed. It ranges from 55 inches up to 220 inches (4.9 x 2.7 meters).
The platform was created for and adopted to CPH by Clear Channel.
Clear Channel is Copenhagen Airports
CPH and Clear Channel offers attractive advertising solutions tailored to communicate to a highly attractive and receptive audience of the up to 30 million business and leisure passengers* who travel through the airport each year.
We offer strong digital networks of eye-catching premium screens in various formats on 170 carefully selected locations around the Airport. The screens are tactically positioned to follow your target group's journey through the airport and invites you to create dynamic, relevant campaigns that tap into the traveler’s mindset. The networks are sold in time slots depending on which target group you want to engage.
Besides the digital networks, we offer premium indoor exhibition and branding zones for creative engage solutions, creative brand walls and domination at the metro station, as well as a range of large classic banner locations outside of the airport. These spectacular banners are designed to really make your brand stand out and allowing you to engage with the travellers in the most impactful way.
The advertising sales at CPH are managed by Clear Channel Denmark A/S.
*) CPH Airport 2019
Contact information
Clear Channel Danmark A/S
Hugo Gerthofer Airport sales Manager +45 28 35 38 02 |