CPH's CR policy

CPH’s CR policy sets the framework for our efforts to operate and develop CPH responsibly.

1. Aim of the CSR Policy

The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy outlines Copenhagen Airports A/S CSR priorities and ambitions. It also serves as a guideline for all CPH managers and employees in developing our services and in our daily work.

2. Governance & Reporting

The responsibility for the CSR Policy development and implementation follows general management responsibility at CPH. Every manager at CPH has a responsibility to familiarize themselves with the CSR Policy and to enact our CSR commitments in their daily work. The CSR Department at CPH is responsible for ensuring that the CSR Policy is implemented in the relevant CPH departments, including setting targets and tracking performance. CPH Executive Management team oversees the CPH CSR performance. The Board of Directors revise the CSR policy and performance. We continuously track our CSR performance and publish the results in the annual report.

3. International standards

CPH is a member of UN Global Compact and incorporates the ten principles of sustainable business management in our corporate policies and strategies. Based on a thorough materiality analysis, CPH has selected specific UN Sustainable Development Goals that we strive to incorporate centrally in the development of our business and strategies.


4. Our CSR commitments:

4.1 Strengthening international accessibility and investing in resilient airport infrastructure

Airports are engines of economic development for their regions and countries. Since 1925 Copenhagen Airports A/S (CPH) have delivered international mobility to Danes and providing access to the world markets to Danish companies. CPH is a public Aerodrome with concession to operate from the Danish Aviation Authorities.

As the country’s largest international airport, CPH is critical mobility infrastructure in Denmark. The quality and amount of international mobility provided by CPH impacts directly and indirectly on Denmark’s competitivity and BNP. Our business strategy rests upon a firm commitment to continuously assess and develop the positive socio-economic impacts of our business. We are committed to developing our route-network and HUB function, and to delivering effectively on our agreed service levels to airlines, travelers, and partners. We invest in a robust, resilient, and safe infrastructure that allows CPH to operate 24/7 all year.


4.2 Developing sustainable airport and aviation solutions

Aviation and airport operations are a significant source of CO2 emissions. CPH is firmly committed to contributing to achieving decarbonization of the aviation sector in accordance with Paris Agreement targets. Our commitment towards decarbonization includes the aviation sector as whole as well as in CPH itself. To this avail, we engage in partnership and projects at international as well as national level.

Our Climate commitment includes not only the CO2 emissions over which we have direct control, which stems from our airport operations and infrastructure. We are also actively working to reduce and eventually eliminate the indirect CO2 emissions stemming from the airplanes arriving at and departing from CPH.

CPHs activities and their environmental impact is regulated by the Danish Environment Authorities. Our environmental permits to operate are dependent on requirements regarding among other air quality and noise. We are aware that our operations affect our neighbors, are we are committed to achieving continuous reductions in emissions and noise.

CPH is committed to contributing to responsible consumption and use of natural resources. We strive to reduce the use of new resources and to re-cycling or re-using waste. Together with our partners in the airport, we have set ambitious targets for sustainable resource management and reuse. This includes a strong focus on sustainability in our construction activities.


4.3 CPH as an attractive workplace

Our most valuable resource at CPH is our employees. Our success as a company depends directly on our ability to attract, motivate, and retain talented people. We are committed to providing safe and healthy workplaces and offer responsibility and opportunity to grow and develop talent.

We respect and comply with labor and human rights regulations, and we have set ambitious standards and targets for the health and safety of our employees. We have special focus on our construction activities and set high demands of our contractors handling of health and safety.

We are committed to a culture of respect and professionalism in CPH and in our cooperation with our many partners in and outside the airport. We have a strict zero-tolerance policy for harassment, and we are committed being an inclusive business and to supporting and increasing diversity in gender, age, and nationality in CPH – at employee as well as at management and Board level.


4.4 Our social responsibility

CPH is Denmark’s largest international airport. In our terminals we provide the first glimpse of Denmark – whether it’s a welcome home or a just a welcome to our international travelers. As such CPH is committed to providing a safe and including passenger experience in our terminals and to understand and respect our passengers and guests regardless of gender, nationality, or religious affiliation. We strive to make our airport facilities accessible for passengers with reduced mobility and to help those in need of special assistance to travel and navigate our terminals.


4.5 Responsible business conduct

All employees in CPH must adhere to our Employee Code of Conduct. Along with our various other employee policies they set the ethical standard we expect from employees and managers in CPH regarding among other conflict of interest and anti-corruption.

Our Whistle Blower policy ensures that all CPH employees and external parties can report any misconduct safely and without fear of repercussion.

CPH respects data privacy and our Data Ethics Policy and policy regarding personal data ensures that all relevant data is handled correctly and in compliance with regulation, among other GDPR.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets the ethical standards we expect from our suppliers regarding among other human and labor rights.

Conducting business in an ethical manner is a shared responsibility at CPH. Many businesses operate in Copenhagen Airport, and CPH expect responsible and ethical standards from our business partners.

CPH operates in accordance with the Recommendations on Corporate Governance prepared by the Danish Committee on Corporate Governance. This includes monitoring and mitigating ESG related risks as part of our Risk Management processes. We report our actions annually as part of our statutory report on Corporate Governance cf. section 107b of the Danish Financial Statement Act.


November 2021